Wall Drying Device - Geomagnetic Polarity Inverter Against Moisture in Walls ATG LC30

Wall Drying Device - Geomagnetic Polarity Inverter for Wall Moisture (IPG) ATG LC30 (white) | Quick and Easy Installation.


Geomagnetic Polarity Inverter for Moisture (IPG), Wall Drying Central ATG LC30. (Invoice, installation manual, and recommendations included in the package).

Guaranteed Made in France.

Effective range of 15 meters and maximum diameter of 30 meters.

1 powerful model at an affordable price.

Renovation with the ATG LC30, a polarity inverter against moisture, is suitable for all buildings and homes with damp walls and floors.

Free and fast shipping.

It is an easy-to-install solution that requires no work. Discover our ATG LC30 (geomagnetic polarity inverter) by visiting our store.

inverseur de polarité géomagnétique IPG GEOSTOP
Inverseur de polarité géomagnétique IPG GEOSTOP
Inverseur de polarité géomagnétique contre l'humidité IPG GEOSTOP


Geomagnetic Polarity Inverter Box for Moisture ATG LC30.

Effective range of 15 meters and a maximum diameter of 30 meters.

1 modèle puissant avec un petit prix.


Product guaranteed Made in France.

Do-it-yourself installation! Quick and easy to install.

Installation manual and recommendations included in the package.

Product Benefits:

  • Does not emit any electromagnetic waves.
  • Operates autonomously, without electrical connection or batteries.
  • Radical and permanent solution: addresses the root cause of wall moisture.
  • Very easy to install and cost-effective.
  • Treats the entire building (walls, floors, etc.).
  • Effective range of 15 meters and maximum diameter of 30 meters.
  • Reduces heating costs as the walls are less damp.
  • 10-year manufacturer warranty.
  • Made in France.
  • Simple cylindrical box to install (no construction or assistance needed).
  • Capillary rises are eliminated within 18 to 24 months (depending on building specifics and adherence to recommendations*).
  • Suitable for all types of buildings affected by moisture: houses, garages, churches, cathedrals.

What is our Geomagnetic Polarity Inverter ATG LC30 for?

Signs of a moisture problem? Buckling floors, blistered walls, peeling wallpaper, detached baseboards, mold stains on walls and ceilings… Fortunately, there are radical solutions to address moisture problems at their source.

Our Geomagnetic Polarity Inverter ATG LC30 is the solution to combat moisture in your home, particularly effective against capillary rises. Capillary rises manifest as dark stains at the bottom of walls: this is moisture rising through the walls, leading to mold and dark stains. Damage can be significant to floors, ceilings, walls, and even health.

If moisture is rising in your walls, it means that water is interacting with the materials of your floor, charging it electrically. This electrical charge gives the water the force to rise through the walls and floors, leading to capillary rises.

How does our Geomagnetic Polarity Inverter ATG LC30 work?

Our Geomagnetic Polarity Inverter ATG LC30 captures the electromagnetic fields of the water and sends a counter-field to stop the water rise. The moisture then gradually evaporates, and the walls end up completely dry.

The undeniable advantage of our Geomagnetic Polarity Inverter ATG LC30 is that it does not require electrical connections or batteries to operate, as it is equipped with passive circuits. It uses the energy from electromagnetic fields and simply needs to be placed near the area to be treated.

Installation, Advice & Recommendations


  • The device must be placed at least 1.50 meters away from any electronic or electrical equipment.
  • Placement height: between 1.50 meters and 2.00 meters from the floor level.
  • The device should be secured (using glue or double-sided tape).
  • The device should not be moved once installed.
  • Orient it towards the north using a compass or a compass app on your phone.
  • Can be positioned on any wall in the house.
  • Know the dimensions of the property (mainly the largest diagonal) to determine if the diameter of effectiveness of an ATG LC30 covers the entire building.


It is recommended to remove the lower part of the walls during the drying period to a height of approximately 10 cm above the degradation fringe to allow the walls to breathe.


Good air circulation is necessary as drying occurs partly through evaporation. Therefore, ventilation is essential.

  • Install appropriate ventilation in your property.
  • Ensure that doors and windows comply with standards (doors with a minimum gap of 1.5 cm in dry rooms and 2 cm in wet rooms).
  • Install ventilators in windows.


Once the walls have dried, hygroscopic salts that have absorbed moisture will have migrated to the surfaces, and it is essential to brush them off to remove most of them. For perfect wall drying, not only must the walls be dry and healthy, but it is also crucial to prevent mineral salts from rising into the plaster. We recommend redoing your façade plaster with a lime-based plaster with an additive against hygroscopic salts.


It is advisable to install a drain in case of lateral infiltrations. The drainage system is designed to collect underground water and evacuate it before it reaches the foundations.


Factors influencing the drying speed of walls include their thickness, composition, and coating, as well as adherence to our recommendations.

This type of process does not address infiltrations, flooding problems, or mold in your house; these issues need to be addressed separately.