Water infiltration and flooding

Water is all around us and even inside us! Moisture problems are generally caused by water from 3 sources:

  • Water vapor, produced by the occupants of a house, which condenses on walls, tiles, and windows.
  • Rainwater that seeps through roofs or walls (lateral infiltration).
  • Water present in the ground (groundwater, pipes) that can sometimes rise by capillarity.

This water, combined with poor ventilation or insufficient waterproofing, can lead to serious moisture problems with sometimes disastrous consequences.

What can be the causes of water infiltration or flooding?

A lack of waterproofing can allow rainwater to enter, which penetrates into a house through walls or the roof and eventually soaks them. Some of the waterproofing defects that can cause water infiltration include:

  • Leaks in the pipes
  • Cracks in the walls
  • Old and damaged seals
  • Clogged gutters…

A flood, due to a larger volume of water, is often caused by water damage (leaks from toilets, washing machines, dishwashers…), pipe ruptures, construction issues, worn seals that lose their waterproofing… Less common, but still possible, is the flooding of a watercourse or a problem with street drainage that can affect nearby properties.

Notre expert en humidité William COIGNARD réponds à tous les problèmes d’humidité

What can happen if moldy smells, a sign of a house or room that is too damp, are not addressed?

In the case of a water infiltration problem, capillary rises (brown stains at the bottom of walls) can appear more or less quickly, which may lead to the proliferation of mold and fungi.

Unpleasant odors, spreading stains, rotting woodwork, blistering walls… the potential damage is extensive.

In the case of flooding, the damage is the same but often occurs more quickly. Materials become weakened rapidly, which can lead to structural weakening of a building, in addition to affecting its aesthetic appearance.

Additionally, a high level of humidity can have adverse effects on the respiratory system (asthma, chronic bronchitis…) and cause significant allergies and skin reactions (eczema, rashes…).


How to prevent the proliferation of mold and purify the air in the house?

Once the cause is identified, it is necessary to act quickly!

If capillary rises are observed, a polarity inverter is needed. It will facilitate the drying of the walls by preventing water from rising through porous floors and walls.

In general, a house’s ventilation must be effective. Stale air must be expelled and replaced with clean, dry air to create a comfortable atmosphere.

To reinforce insulation, there are many solutions: resin, hydroment, or insulating panels will be your best allies in improving wall impermeability and preventing moisture damage. Finally, an anti-mold paint, to be applied once the walls are completely dry, helps increase their temperature to limit the thermal gap that causes condensation.


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